You may wish ...
... to support our project with a personal sponsorship for one or more aspects of an Amadeus orphan’s life?
... to stay anonymous, to keep personal contact, or to visit your sponsored child?
Everything is possible and a great support for the future of our children!
The much quoted one euro a day
You will most likely have seen, heard or read the commercials by various organisations which advertise that one-euro-a-day can offer huge chances for a Third World child. This is absolutely right and we are often surprised on how little financial cost other people’s lives depend. A future, which really deserves its name.
We have arranged various sponsorship-projects for you, which cover all needs of our children. Each project is devoted to an important area of life of a child and is supported by a monthly donation of €30.
Package 1 – “basic needs” (food, clothing, a home)
This support comprises accommodation in the orphanage and provision of basic needs such as food and clothing.
Package 2 – “basic education”
In order to offer our children a good education and a chance of a successful future, they attend an independent Kenyan primary school which includes a nursery school and a prep-school. Kenyan schooling starts at the age of three in a baby-class which is followed by two-year nursery education before they attend the primary school for further eight years culminating in the final examination of a general certificate of primary education (K.C.P.E.).
Why an independent school? Kenyan state schools have up to a hundred children in each class, independent schools, on the other hand, admit “only” up to 35 pupils. The facilities of state schools are very simple; schools lack basic teaching aids and therefore the educational opportunities are limited. Those who can somehow afford independent schooling decide to do so.
Package 3 – “medical care”
Only substantial financial means guarantee satisfactory medical care. There is no public health insurance company which would cover the expenses for medical treatment. In a symbolic gesture, the state bears the costs of basic immunization of babies. Thanks to the successful tourism in Diani there is a small and good hospital in our vicinity where our children get medical treatment.
Package 4 – “education plus”
The older our children become, the more expensive their education gets. They need more classroom material (books, pocket calculator, compasses, IT education,…); also, school fees rise every school year.
After a successful primary school career, our children, according to their abilities, can attend either a secondary school, which lasts four years (its final exam is roughly comparable to our Austrian A-level exams), or they may undertake an apprenticeship in a Polytechnic Centre. There are many possibilities, all of which are expensive.
Package 5 – “trips and excursions”
We want to offer our orphans an ordinary life as far as possible. Weekend trips are even for Kenyan families nothing extraordinary. Especially attending a church or a mosque is an important part of social life. Before as well as afterwards they meet to eat, play and socialise.
The Mekaela Academies, too, - the school our children attend – offer extracurricular activities at some cost (swimming instruction, football, etc.) and it goes without saying that our children should also have the possibility to join just like all the other children who can live in their families.
Package 6 – “projects”
We are attempting to make our Amadeus Children’s Home step by step more independent by managing our vegetable garden as well as caring for other small projects. The supply situation in Kenya is often difficult. Sometimes there is a short supply of milk for one or two months; or, it is only possible to acquire fresh milk which does not make sense in Kenya considering its climate. In general, since the beginning of our project in Kenya the prices for essential foods have dramatically increased.
Package 7 – “maintenance”
We have tried to keep the equipment appropriate for children as well as possibly maintenance-free, but a household with so many children always necessitates repairs. Unfortunately, the climate puts a great stress on equipment and material. Most repairs can be fixed by ourselves and we only need to get hold of spare parts. Sometimes, however, we cannot do without a skilled workman.
With the help of these “packages” you can choose and decide in which way you would like to support our children at the Amadeus Children’s Home.
If you are interested, please contact us via e-mail and download the file on sponsorship (PDF, German).